Look behind you

You should look behind you sometimes…

On the path behind you, what do you see?
Do you see lives touched positively,
Or do you see misery?

I see darkness on the path behind you
And now you’re being dealt wicked blows
Don’t you know, you will reap what you sow?

There in the mess on that path I see
Hearts ripped to shreds,
One belongs to me

When I look back on your path I see
Painful sleepless nights
And violent fights

There on the path I see
A river of tears
Cried by so many undeserving people over the years

On the path behind you I see
The screaming that woke me in the middle of the night
And my skin crawling as I realised it wasn’t  a fight
But you and her acting out of spite

There on your path I see
Request for no more pain
Words spoken in vain

Lies and false promises
They’re all there on your path
Scattered pieces of the people you’ve harmed

Sadness and pain
They’re also there
People questioning why you never cared

There on that path that is your past
You shaped your present
You've designed your own life lessons

There’s really so much more I could say
This list of your wrongs,
The account of your cruelty, is very long

So now you want to know
What you did to deserve such pain
And I say, you’re doing it again

Now you want empathy and understanding?
Did you bother to think of that
When you left others damaged and abandoned?

Now you can’t understand what you’re going through?
Did you have compassion for the hearts bruised?
Did spare a thought for the people you used?

You thought nothing would come from the lives you’ve affected
But look at you now…
You life has turned septic

How long did you think you could carry on this way?
Did you really think you could get away?
What a pity it is that life doesn’t work that way
We all have to pay someday.

I hope you’re satisfied with what you’ve done to me
You’ve used me
And you’ve bruised me internally

But, I will be fine, I’ll survive, it’s what I do
And long after dealing with what you've put me through
The consequences of your actions will still be haunting you.

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