Wednesday 28 March 2012

The rose quartz that found me

I've always believed that crystals find their way to the people they need to help. 

Whenever I'd gotten a new crystal, I always got the sense that it was calling out to me or attracting me magnetically, in some way. That's how I always knew which one I wanted ,even thought there were many others to choose from. It's almost like an instant connection with THAT stone and then you simply have to have it. 

Then, there are those crystals that somehow find their way to you.  Sometimes a friend would give me one, but sometimes a crystal would "find"  me all by itself...

So, I work with a life coach and recently we got to talking about relationships and how past pain could have such a devastating effect on how you deal with future relationships. I started a very unhealthy relationship -  that would eventually lead to a 5 year roller-coaster ride -  at the age of 19. A few months into this relationship I realised that he was a cheater, but for some reason I was unable to let go and ended up exposing myself to nearly 5 years of emotional abuse. 

Me being ME, looked back at the experience after ending it and said: "it was bad, but I learned so much and I choose to see only how this experience has helped me to grow personally and to discover my own strength". I admitted to myself that I was feeling pain, but I wasn't going to dwell on it - not knowing that quite possibly the things I'd been through and some of the insecurities I'd built up over the years, had gone and settled in my subconscious and would be back to haunt me each time anything that resembled a real relationship showed up. 

I never even admitted to myself that I was sabotaging every possibility for a relationship. I mean, there was always a reason why he wasn't good enough (too short, too sweet, get my point). And I was always the victim when I  picked another cheater that would do the same thing he did. Subconsciously, I had decided to make sure that "relationship" was not a road that I was going to travel on again for a very long time. 

Well, when I finally became aware of the fact that I might have these things in my subconscious, that were actually preventing me from finding love, it really started to scare me. Was  I going to be alone for the rest of my life, because of this subconscious sabotage? And here's were the crystal comes in...

So, right after having these thoughts I went to a friend's place for a visit. As I got into my car to leave her place, my door still open, I looked on the ground right next to my car for some reason and there in the dirt this rose quartz crystal was waiting for me to collect it. I immediately picked it up and said to my friend:  It's a rose quartz crystal!" Her not being too interested in this worthless stone I'd just picked up  said : "Really? Take it if you want it." And so I did. 

The next night, I looked it up in my crystal book and it said that this stone is supposed to help with all sorts of love. Self love, friendship love, romantic love - any kind of love. Also, it helps with to heal wounds from past relationships and broken hearts. At this point I quite frankly had to pick my bottom lip up from the floor. For some reason I'd never paid much attention to rose quartz in the past and all of a sudden one appears when I'm dealing with exactly the issue it's meant to heal??

I just found this fascinating and I don't believe for a second that this was purely a coincidence. This crystal found me at the right time for the right reason!

I carry it with me now - let's see what happens.

DISCOVERY: "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho, in his famous and loved book, The Alchemist. This quote best describes this experience for me. When we set our minds to something, we do not have to worry about the how, because the mere fact that we have already made the decision, brings the means into our lives, without much effort on our part. This may seem a little bit airy-fairy, but I've experienced it often in life.