
Evil, evil enemy
I know you’re killing me
Your poison fills my body
Intoxicating my reality
Illusions of freedom
Hallucinations, ecstasy
You kidnap me from reality
Not really, I go willingly
You’re a seductress
A Delilah of the modern day
Stripping power in a different way
I let you in, I let you destroy
Creative silent murderer
Crafty snake that slithers
Into the very soul of me
I’m no longer free
My body aches for you
My thoughts are filled with you
I know you’re killing me
I want you
Morning comes
I open my eyes
Reality is slightly restored
Now I want you some more

You’re taken me breath by breath
I cannot hear my heartbeat
I cannot find my mind
I cannot see, I’m blind
I’m trying to defend myself
I’m trying to fight back
I am so weak
Will you set me free?
Will this carry on for eternity?
Let me breathe killer
Let me go
I don’t want you anymore
I give in again
The poisons fill my veins
I feel no more pain
The struggle has come to an end
You win evil enemy
I am dead inside
You are my only lifeline
I’m defeated, why won’t you let me die?
You want my freedom
You want me under your control
I’m a slave to you
Inside me the battle continues
I pray that a day will come
When the poison will not only numb
I will be gone
I will be free
Until that day
I’ll be your slave
Hoping to find an escape
Poison me again, take away this pain.

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